
I woke this morning to my husbands alarm going off!  Bryan is the man who gets up when his alarm goes off!  I love this about him!  He starts his morning by being greeted by our little dogs Buster & Max!  Both of these little dogs love Bryan unconditionally.  They will battle over who gets to be petted.  He puts them out and when they come back in they are ready for their breakfast.  Bryan has his cup of coffee they eat and then play with their toys.  Bryan is truly blessed by these little dogs.

Two years ago one of our little dogs past away breaking all our hearts.  Capone a miniature Yorkie!  Max & Capone came into our lives accidentally.  My sister in law had both her dogs pass away day between one another while she was out of town.  Her son Cody had to break the news to Lorie.  It was at a terrible time in our lives.  My husband Aunt Virginia had passed away in Idaho.  Lorie took Ann to Idaho for the funeral.

Ann and Virginia had been best friends all of their lives.  So for her to be dealing with the loss of her Aunt and her pets broke my heart.  So I decided to buy her a little dog to help her cope.  Problem is that the dog our daughters fell in love with. Max! Our daughters begged us to keep this little dog.  So I decided to allow they to keep the little dog.  Mean while I contact the people we had got Max from and ordered another little dog.  they delivered the dog and our little dog Max had been out doors on his leash doing his duty when he was taken by a little girl.  Our daughters looked all over town.  Our daughter Kelsey was so sad that when the new dog was delivered she begged us to keep him.

Reluctantly we said yes!  Capone became part of our family!  Back to the dog sellers to buy a dog for Aunt Loire.  The cost of giving one dog!  Oh Max who was taken by the little girl was found two weeks later and retrieved by our daughter Haylie from the neighbors who had him!

Max and Capone became part of our family!  In January of 2016 Capone got sick and he died in my brothers arms.  this little dog was so loving.  Ann my mother in law loved when she came and he would just love on her.  Capone would lay in Ann’s lap and he was so happy.  When Ann learned of Capone’s death she was so sad.

Ann joined Capone in Heaven less than a month later on February 9, 2016.  I am sure that Capone is with her in Heaven.

Life is better with pets-




Well another day of reflection and thanks!  Thanks to those who love me, remember me and embrace me even when I might not always embrace them!  We get so caught up with doing our own things that we miss people around us.  Today I was at a doctors appointment.  Just focusing on the task at hand when a woman I have known for most of my life approached and said “Mindy?” “How are you?” Stopping herself to question herself I think a bit.  I had been there and had not even noticed her.  The man who took care of me I knew too!  Both of these folks recognized me and yet I failed to even notice them!

We get so caught up that we fail to see what is around us.  I was glad that my blood pressure was good and that I got a good report.  I had been a bit put out by this day and the cost of going!  I got home this evening and it dawned on me how we all change.

God places people where we need one another.  I really believe this.  I have been looking at what is my calling or gifts that God needs me to use for him.  I know that he has given me the gift of employing people and helping those out of work gain employment. I know that God has given me the gift of assurance to those who might not see their talents!  I know the Lord has given the gift or words.  I have always been able to bring people together thru words and get people to understand what is needed to solve issues.

I am an encourager of others.  My Spiritual gift is to serve God’s people as written in Corinthians 12:7  ” A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.

Even when you think no one will know you,  God apears with a person to encourage.  Today I was blessed by two of God’s gifts that happend to find me in a doctors office!  Both of these folks left me feeling so much better because they used their God given gifts and bestowed them on me!

Truly Thankful for the gift of friendship-630746dcc6ef95f0824c14d3ffd728ba






Recently I have started watching the Gilmore Girls.  I normally do not get into a sitcoms but I have been hooked on  Lorelei  and Rory from the first episode it is obvious of the love the characters have for one another.  How they  support one another’s dreams.

As the story is written Lorelei gets pregnant and leaves home to have the child.  the story starts with Rory 16 wanting to attend this prestigious school so she can get the education so she can get into Harvard to become a journalist.  Lorelei is working as a Hotel Manager.  The story then adds the wealthy parents of Lorelai  who have never known their grand child.  Lorelai cannot afford the tuition for the prestigious school so she is left with having to go to her parents.  The grandfather has no intentions of withholding this opportunity from the grand-daughter.  However the grandmother decides that the debt should have stipulations of every Friday Night dinner and all holidays and birthdays.  Reluctantly she agrees to the terms.

As the story unfolds the characters grab your heart.  I would love to live in a community with people who care about their town, care about tourism and everyone shows up to the town hall meetings. Everyone comes to your daughters birthday parties!  Everyone cares about one another.

It is funny how I tend to be a late to the actual airing of sitcoms.

This sitcom along with the Golden Girls were canceled way be before I ever was a fan!  Later in life,  I found both!   I have been a fan ever since.  We value things, experiences, books and even television series when they find us.  they become a part of our life experience.

We want to get to know how the next chapter goes in the character’s lives!  We plan to watch and cheer them on.  Just as we cheer them on we are making a decision to be present and watch their stories play out!  What if we were to value our on stories?

Planning time in reading the Bible or spending time daily in prayer and meditation.  I love the Gilmore Girl’s!  I love entertaining myself!   Satin loves when we have no time to grow in our relationship with God!  Be careful of what takes your time because it can be detrimental to your relationship with God.  All things in moderation is good advice.

Turn off your favorite series on television, Put down the cell phone,  Go to your inner place and read your Bible and spend time in prayer.  Pray and be thankful.  Life is what we make it.  We only get so many moments.  So we have to use our time as we see fit.  I had to recognize that I was letting television keep me from worship.

Life is tough. Entertainment is a way of letting go from our realities.  I still enjoy all the television series.   I just want to entrust that I am spending time in God’s word, spending time in prayer for those I love with a heart of thanks while seeking God in all matters.

“A time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father and the Spirit in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers that the Father seeks.  God is spirit and his worshipers must worship in the spirit and in the truth.”  John 4:23-24

Wishing you all the entertainment in moderation and quality time in God’s word!


Check & Balance

As I look at all the strengths that the Lord has provided me,  I still struggle with using my resources correctly.  It is never fun to admit that you are not good at something.   I am not good at managing my personal money.  As I look at this I think is easy to just pay the bills that come and not really think of debt you are acruing when you make a good living.  I have always brought home a good wage and pushed my self to earn a three figure income.  I made that miles stone and the career I choose about cost me my life!

The Bible speaks of good stewardship of what God provides.  I have not mastered this nor have I mastered stippening.  Two goals for 2018.  On half of what I was earning in 2017.  I am starting the journey of living a good life for half  in 2018. Originally this is where the name GOOD LIFE FOR HALF came from for this blog.  Then I discovered that I had a lot to say about what makes a good life.  Getting my priorities straight.

  1. God
  2. Family
  3. Job

I was all about the job without realizing setting career goals might have given me a three figure life but stole anytime for God or Family.  I was working 14 hour days and sometime even longer than that.  Waking up in hotels with no family.  Dealing with a hostile boss who would call me at all hours of the night.  My stress level was so high I had to put on blood pressure medicine and anti depression medicine.  My family enjoyed the fruits of my labor but I was not a wife, nor a mother.  Thank goodness my Father removed me from this.  I took a sabbatical to re-evaluate what I needed for me.

I started to feel better with Jesus as my focus and truly going to him for all my needs meant letting go and letting God work out my life.  As always God did not forsake me.

God provides for all our needs.  I still earn a great living and I am thankful for God’s bounty.  Now it is time to get control of our financial house with what God provides.

I cannot breath without God.  I am not my own!  As a Christian I am his and I have to trust God with all he has planned for me.  He will work things out and help me see what he has planned for me!   Fear is Satin manipulating me to try to take control.  overtime I loose.  I asked and wait on God to direct my words and to direct how I serve.

Now it is time to get serious about my personal finances.  I will be 53 this month and I am not pleased to say that I will probably be working God willing till I am 70 years old.

However I could change this if I get control now.

I set down and went thru my checking account and found services that we do not need and called and canceled all of those.  I looked at the cell phone bill and brought that down by $ 88 dollars less a month by making our married daughter off our plan.

It is tough to do things different when you have done things the same way.  I also set down and invested in my 401K at work putting 10% with retirement 2030 as the goal.

Eating at home and taking food to work with me will cut the cost of the cafe!  Huge goals are set but the only way to make them is to keep my heart in line with what God wants for me.  He will direct our success.

Only My Life in you empowers you to face life’s problems with good cheer.!” PSALM 42:5

I am reminded that I belong to the Lord and when I let him guide me,  the direction is more enjoyable.  Follow my journey to really feeling the good life for half!







Life can be so hard when those we love, stop loving us!  I recently hired a new team member who is just so torn up.  He is not with his family and he is afraid.  Alcohol and anger have been part of the hurt and disappointment.

He is trying to find a place where he belongs without his wife and his children.  He is very impatient about what life has to hold for him.  So we had a conversation about what life could hold for him and his family if he keeps his focus on getting well.  Alcohol is a major part of his failings.  He is having to attend classes for his anger and alcohol.   Both things have been part of his denial for his conduct.

Ownership is a tough thing to own when it belongs to us.   I encouraged him to not get in his own way!  It does not matter our sins, we must let go!   Seek God to help!   Then we need to wait on God to work things out.  If we are sincere this is what happens.

God has a plan to prosper us, but we need to humble our hearts and commit to real change.  If I could sign a contract never to sin again,  I am sure I would sign it gladly.  However,  “God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son.  So no one should perish but have ever lasting Life.”  John 3:16 He wanted to give us a bridge to cross by accepting his son so we could have a life restored.  Jesus created that bridge when he went to the criss!

I am a sinner!  My sin is just as bad as anyone elses.  I work hard to trust in others.  forgive those that persecute me and let go and let God run my life.  I am a poor life manager but with Jesus as my savior and the grace I do NOT deserve I go forth to be a better person because he is one with me.

Never give up!  God up!  I have total faith in him and I know he is always consistant and never changing.  Because it is finished!  Amen-







As I think  of winter I get excited about Spring.  8 days into January,  tomorrow will be 55 degrees!  How exciting it that the snow could actually melt making the side streets and small town roads could be easier to drive down.  Today I had to take an employee home and it was good I drive an Explorer because I would have not gotten down his road!  I wish I could I be the outdoorsman who likes to hike in snow,  have picnics in the snow and bon fires in the snow.  However I am not that type of person.  I wish I was.

Snow mobiles, sleds and skiing have never been part of who I am.  Winter brings home-made bread,  huge pots of soup made from scratch.  chocolate chip cookies and huge cups of hot coffee.  Watching Netflix and staying in!  Batches of granola baking with vanilla yogurt parfait.   I wish I was a lover of Winter.  I guess I am from a far.

Winter brings the geese from Canada and they are so pretty.  A herd of deer along the North Platte are pretty.  Baking Apple Pies with homemade caramel sauce with homemade vanilla ice cream makes winter better.  The smell of the wood stove in the morning as the day is just starting is comforting.  Sometimes we must be reminded that there is good in things that we might not always see as good.

Winter has always been a season that I have not always appreciated as I should.  The Bible speaks of seasons well sometimes we need seasons to slow us down.  Help us look inwardly and to put things in order.  Winter helps me wait for Spring and it also helps me to learn to be patient.  God needs us to be patient.  To wait upon him and to settle down a bit to understand his love for us his children.  Winter is cold and feels long at times and yet it really is not!  Before we know it Spring will bring promise of flowers, trees blooming, and baby animals in the pastures and meadows.

So I have decided to appreciate this season and be glad in it.  “Remember, our Lord’s patience gives people time to be saved.”  2 Peter 3:9





Hmm…..What….?…..Want!  I can only say that because January becomes this thought process of hmm what will this year hold?  What will be and what will happen and what do I want to do or accomplish!

Last year all I did was allow my hope to be striped by caustic people.  I allowed time to be lost over business situations that did left me deeply depressed.  I am still recovering.

God became very big to me.  I will forever be happy for this!  I had no idea how I would get thru it and I was just fine.  Bruised and about fifty grand lighter but so much happier.  What he gave me in place was a new adventure!  A new career!

I am looking forward to spending time with God and growing this year.  I am committed to writing daily this year along with painting.

We all deserve to reinvent ourselves.  A fresh 12 months gives me the perfect template.

Heres to new adventures, and hope that I will not allow to be taken,

“You are the hope for everyone on earth, even those who sail on distant seas!

PSALM 65:58



2018 FOUR SET- GO!

No surprise that I would be writing today the 6th day of January on setting goals.  Goals give us an objective to work toward.  It can be a destination, an event, a work project and home project, self betterment goal, a hobby!  Whatever the goal it is all about actual leaving yourself better!

Leaving myself better!  Now that is what we should all want!   So with this statement it is important that I care enough about today and the future to set goals!

Setting my personal goals make me proud of what I do for me.  I appreciate the accomplishments and look forward to meeting each goal I set.

Setting goals for work also is important because it makes me proud to better serve the company that feeds my family because they choose me to be part of their success.

Success is what I get when I set goals and meet them.  2017 I met some personal goals that included this blog.  I wanted to write and share about my life in hopes to serve others as well as helping me see the value of reflecting with a heart of thanks.

2017 I found myself setting personal fun goals.  Starting my goodlifeforhalf.com our new granola company and focusing on time with family.  What ever you make a priority you will then focus.  Now some people will write a ton goals.  I establish no more than four goals.

New Goals    # 1 Continue to write and post on my blog while learning how to gain followers.  I would love ideas from all my current followers how to do that!

# 2   Will meet my healthy weight goal while cutting sugar from my diet.

# 3   Will work to increase customer sales with our Granola Company

# 4   Will reduce personal debt and start focusing on saving by getting rid of stuff I do not need!  Will use the funds to reduce debt.   Will live within our budget of $ 1,040 a week!  Any frugal healthy recipes or tips on how to sell stuff would be helpful from my followers.

Setting goals assist us in being better!  Bottom line when I set goals I pray over each of them I make sure that they are part of my every day life so I stay focused.  I then focus on what I have set in place to accomplish the goals so I will have personal success for myself and for my family.

The Bible reminds us for success  in Proverbs 2:1 “My child only when you tressure my wisdom will you acquire it.  And only if you accept my advice and hide it within will you succeed.”

Wishing each successful goals 2018fb1058353f9c94c8e99aa397b0bb28b4






In the area that I live, I have seen some really terrible things happen to people who have become involved with drugs.  I am about six hours from Denver, Colorado where smoking marijuana is legal.  Our youth from the area will travel to ancillary’s to fill their order for their smoke of choice.  I am told all the time by people who this is not an addictive drug.  It is all natural and has a tone of good uses.  I am not disputing any of this.  What I dispute is that people in surrounding states are willing to break the law to smoke and sell this to one another.

Marijuana is a huge business and growing.  I am sure in time it will be legalized in all states.  However the facts are that those who use are looking for a high.  So they will try other drugs to get a different high.  Meet Methadone a drug that is created in kitchens and even cars leaving deadly residue on all surfaces when it is cooked and the user smokes it.  Heroine is on the rise in our area as well.  We have seen crime rates in our area increase due to the street drugs.

Two years a young Mexican man-made the news.   He was found by a farmer stuffed into a barrel. The man was stuffed in the barrel by his former friends.  They were mad at him for a drug deal that they felt did not go their way.  The man who shot him and then drove around.  When he would not die the girlfriend switched places with the boyfriend and put her hand over his nose helping the poor victim suffocate to death.  The young couples were questioned about the friend and people who knew the couple went to the police.  The sister’s brother who also had a drug issue and was his sisters alley always was shot to death in Fort Collins Colorado New Years eve 2016.  The trial for the young man was to start on January 2nd, 2017.  No one could coo berate what happened the night this young man died. The case was closed in Fort Collins as an apparent accidental death.  The girlfriend had been held in jail due to death threats until the case was to go to trial.

I watched this family suffer the loss of their 27-year-old son.  I saw a sister so all about herself consumed by her addiction not care that her brother lost his life as retribution against her testifying against the boyfriend.  She had a child with the boyfriend.  Neither parent can grasp what a child of eight years old could go thru in a small rural Nebraska community and what she will endure for rest of her life. A father who was given life.  A mother who made a deal with the County Attorney’s  to get out of going to jail!  Two lives lost.  Neither families will see either life be success. To overcome addiction.

A Morrill County District Court judge has sentenced a Bridgeport man to life imprisonment in the shooting death of a Colorado man.  In January, a Morrill County District Court jury convicted Zachary Mueller in the November 2015 death of Pedro Dominguez, 33, of Greeley, Colorado. Judge Leo Dobrovolny sentenced Mueller Monday, March 13 on charges of first-degree murder, a Class IA felony; use of a weapon to commit a felony, a Class IC felony; and possession of weapon by a felon, a Class ID felony

The sentence of life imprisonment on the murder charge was mandatory. Dobrovolny sentenced Mueller to 20 to 40 years imprisonment, to be served consecutively, on both weapons charges.  Mueller’s attorney, Sarah Newell, asked the court to consider Mueller’s drug history in deciding sentencing. She said a pre-sentence investigation showed the man had first used alcohol at the age of 9 years old and methamphetamine at the age of 11.  He realizes the real consequences of his drug addiction and struggles with it every day, she said.

“He will wrestle with it every day when he doesn’t get to see his daughter,” she said.

“For out of the heart comes evil thoughts-murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.  These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”  Mathew 15:19-29 NIV

Here is praying for a changed heart of all who were involved in the loss of two men’s lives.


ca7bc7ef887ebb354762f24c1f73043fI would say 2017 left me in a funk….. Yeah just not really feeling great about anything.  Not being unhappy nor being over exuberant either.  I said good-bye to a few things that was unexpected.  I had to take a sabbatical with my sister to help me get thru some family things.  I spent a lot of 2017 reflecting on me.  Upset over decisions, career moves, children and really life challenges.

What is a funk?  Well for me it was not being able to really establish any outcome.  It was letting time just take care of itself.  Letting go and allowing God to work things out for me.  I found myself almost in a place of being numb to the hurts of life.  I found myself wanting to run away.  I never like that feeling.  I found myself trying to acclimate back into what I believed my life was.  Living on the road and being away for long periods of times have a lot to do with this.  I decided I did not want a career that kept me away from my family and thank God I now can work from one location and consult on the side as I work toward new goals in 2018.

The funk that I was in made me look at doing things I had not.  I have always wanted to write.  I set down in April and this blog was born.  I believe that we all have something to say.  Everyone can relate to another if we try.  I think life is little when we make it so!

It was a way to heal some hurts as well as look toward the future.  I went thru something very similar when I was 45.  I was working on several projects and running non stop.  I knew I was not feeling well.    I just did not realize to the extent of my illness.

I had been having headaches and really was exhausted.  Our family always takes vacation the end of June.  our eldest was back for a visit with her family and was staying with my husband’s family.  Bryan and the girls were visiting.  I had stopped at the grocery store on the way home for some basics and then stopped in and stayed briefly because I was tired.  When I got home I went right to bed.  I remember setting straight up in bed with terrible pain in my chest.  I got up went to the bathroom and then returned to bed.

No idea that I had a mild heart attack!  I think it was great that I did not realize what had happened.  If I would have had that knowledge I might have not done as well.  In all reality it was a good thing.  I did not give in and God had me in his hands the entire time.

I did learn of the actual heart attack until the end of August when I got ill with my tonsils. I am really thankful that all this took place.  It gave me a new perspective to focus on what is important.   But once I got  involved and did things my way,  God became smaller!  Let me explain,  Our reality becomes about the health issue, the financial struggle the what’s in our lives!

As I look back God has been with me the entire time.  But instead of carrying me I was just allowing him from afar to watch me like a little child try to learn to walk!  I was in charge!  As a follower of Jesus,  we are to ask him and wait!   He will give the correct direction.   Deception can and will look like it is from Jesus!   When that snake who tricked Eve to eat of the tree of life will come as great offers to good to be true.

My focus became about trying to build something for the girls and for Bryan.  Not my job!  God will provide for my children when it is my time to go.  Nothing that I use here is mine.  I live in a home he provides the wage to pay,  I drive his cars he has provided, Things on this earth are provided for me to use.  I am to honor God and take care of what he has provided.  It has taken me a long time to understand that the suffrage I have put myself thru was because of my own ignorance of not being in Gods word!

I can do all things thru Christ!  I am not so great on my own.   end of the year always seems to put me a place of uncomfortable facts that life does not always go the way we see our lives.  Putting my trust in God.  As I look at 2018 I will focus on setting goals that are around God and family!  A career is what we do to earn to provide those we love.